Inform and ecologically guide tourists during their visit to Galapagos, transmitting and interpreting third-level and updated knowledge in an understandable and pleasant way, ensuring that the tourist has the best time in a personalized and unforgettable experience.
My objectives are supported by my fluency in English, German and French, languages – German and French – that I studied when I lived in Europe, as well as my third-level university studies in English at the Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral, Faculty of Maritime Engineering and Marine Sciences, ESPOL, Guayaquil – Ecuador.
OMI License
Travel Agent
ENGLISH ESPOL, Aquaculture Career with English language / 5 years, TOEFL proficiency..
GERMAN Berlin – Germany, 2 years / BSI – Study of the German language, – Technical University of Berlin and Freie Universitaet (See attached docs)
FRENCH Paris – France, 3 months. / Study of the French language, Pompidou Arts Center.
Academic Training
- EL LITORAL HIGHER POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL – ESPOL – Faculty of Maritime Engineering and Marine Sciences – Aquaculture. GRADUATE – ESPOL in the first promotion: Only 6 Graduates.
- TOEFL ENGLISH SUFFICIENCY / 5 years ESPOL. / Multiple visa / Stays in New York, Miami, Washington, Chicago.
- Ecuadorian – German Cultural Center GOETHE INSTITUTS MUENCHEN. Feb. – May 1994.
- BSI – Berliner Sprache Institut, Berlin – Alemania , 01.02.1995 – 31.10.1996 Grundstuffen & Mittelstufen,
- Conference Seminar / Environmental Sciences – Environmental Management. Freie Universitaet, Berlin – Germany / 2 semesters. 1996 – 1997.
- Seminar of Conferences on International Tourism / Freie Universitaet, Berlin – Germany / 1 Semester. 1997
- Travel Agent for Windrose Frenreisen GmbH. in Ecuador & Galapagos , 08.02.1997 / Travel Berlin – Ecuador – Galapagos – Berlin.
- Intensive French Language Study / Georges Pompidou Arts Centre / Paris – France / 3 months, 09.3.1997
- First Aid / Rescue Diver / Puerto Ayora / Galapagos – Feb. 1998.
- Open water Diver & Advanced Open Water Berlin Germany.
- First Aid / Rescue Diver / Puerto Ayora / Galápagos
- Open water Diver & Advanced Open Water
PADI | Open Water Driver
PADI | Advanced Open Water Driver
PADI | Medic First Aid
PADI | Europe
PADI | Europe
- Creative,
- Perceptual,
- Persuasive,
- Helpful,
- Stubborn.
- Self-taught on the Internet,
- Varied Reading,
- Swimming,
- Snorkeling & free diving,
- Play guitar,
- Music
LATVENTURE /Web Site: https://latventure.com/en/country-ecuador/ Ing. Belen Lopez WhatsApp +593997962052
GALAPAGOS DREAMS / Web site: https://galapagosdreamstours.com/ / Ing. Marcos Garcia WhatsApp +593999340350